Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Deal or No Deal History

Deal or No Deal is a game show that originated Austrailia. Down under, the show was a HUGE success. Many other countries around the world started to make their own versions of the show, due to the show's success in Austrailia. So, how were these people hooked to the show? Maybe the fact that you win major cash by doing as little as picking a suitcase. The show's premise is this. You pick a suitcase. That suitcase can may contain a million dollars, or as little as a penny. You go on to pick 6 suitcases, each with different amounts of money in them. Now, you want to see the smallest amounts possible, because you want have the big money in your suitcase. After you pick your cases, the banker gives you a call. The banker wants your suitcase, and offers you cash in return for the suitcase. The dealer makes offerings due to your luck with the suitcases. For example, If you pick .01, $1, $5, $75, $500, and $1000, the dealer is going to give you a nice amount of cash. If you accept his offer and say deal, you get the cash he offered you. However, if you say no deal, you go on playing the game, this time 5 suitcases, and so on and so forth. The game is so easy to catch on to it's unbelieveable.

Now, you know the United States wants to cash in on this potential ratings cow. First to pick up the show is ABC. ABC announces they are doing the show, but after several months of no info, seeing the show in the US looks unlikely. ABC eventually cancelled. The buzz died down until this summer, NBC released that Deal or No Deal would be coming to American Television. Info slowly came to us, including the annoucement of the show's host, comedian Howie Mandel. Finally, in the recent months, NBC released that Deal or No Deal would be coming 5-nights-a-week, during the week before Christmas. Some were surprised the show came so soon, but others didn't like the fact that this week is one of the worst weeks for television. So, it was impossible to see how the show would fare. Would it be a success, or a failure? I would count it as a success, but all in all, it comes down to the ratings.

I'll have a show review and recaps on the first 3 episodes tomorrow.

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