Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Deal or No Deal: Episode #1

Deal or No Deal started off with a bang. The show's first contestant, Karen Van, was just the person the show needed. She brought along her family, dubbed "Minivans" by Howie. Oh, and how enthusiastic they were. As Karen Van went on picking case after case (usually small numbers, she started off very well), the Minivans were jumping out of their seats when a low number appeared, and saying "That's all right" when a high number popped up. About half way into the episode (The climax), Karen was offered 138,000 for her case. Now, this was quite an offer. However, Karen went with her husband and said "No deal" to host Howie Mandel. She had to pick one more case before the next offer. That case was the 500,000 case. The Banker now offered 25,000. Her case could have 500 or 50,000. She didn't want to take any chances this time. She took the Banker's deal, and it was a good thing too. Her case had the 500 in it.

RATINGS: Deal started off strong Monday night pulling a total 11.6 million viewers. In the key demographic, 18-49, Deal scored a 3.9 rating. Read the story,1002,271992091,00.html

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