Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Hersheypark Trip Report 2

So, after two excellent, excellent rides on Storm Runner, we made our way back to RXCC and the Music Box Way section of the park. While walking through Pioneer Frontier, we received a call from the others. They said that they got on RXCC! They also said that the ride opened up basically 30 seconds after we left for SR :rolleyes: After hearing the ride was open and running with passengers, we power-walked our way back to the ride to find the others and try to receive our first ride on the RXCC. We approached the ride's entrance and saw the others waiting in line for RXCC...which was already out of the only switchback. Ugh, we missed our chance. The wait would be at least 30 minutes from here. We decided to wait for a bit and see how much we would move. We waited, and waited, and waited some more. 5 minutes went by and we hadn't moved in line at all, so we decided to ditch it and come back later. So, we decided to walk down back towards Pioneer Frontier and decide what attraction to hit next. We decided to hit the Trailblazer for no particular reason. Since we knew Midway America never had any lines, it didn't matter when we hit that. So, we decided to back-track through the park and hit all of the attractions in the front of the park first before the heavy crowds would come in. You may say that all of the people do that, but we did it in a different fashion. We started at the back of the park, and would make our way towards the front eventually. Seemed like a good plan. So, we made our way through Pioneer Frontier and down the HUGE hill near SR. This thing sucks to walk up, and is even hard to walk down because it's so steep. As soon as we reached the bottom of the valley, we made our way towards Trailblazer's entrance. The ride's sign is actually pretty hidden all the way back towards the station, but a sign points the way to the station and entrance. We approached the brand new sign (well, not that new anymore) which looks great. We made our way up the stairs and into the station. Trailblazer's station is actually very large, as it holds two big switchbacks. However, those weren't being used. We saw that some rows in the middle didn't have any wait, so we immediately went for those. They were only using one train, so we had to wait until the one on the course came back to ride. I'm surprising they weren't using two, considering it was a weekend. However, it wasn't that much needed, considering the ride itself isn't very long. So, after about two minutes, our train finally arrived in the station. It was time to ride.

The train came to a halt and the current passengers made their way to the exit. After they all left the station, our very tiny air gates opened and we jumped in our train for our voyage. I love the new restraints they have on this ride. They are extremely comfortable and really help older people ride, not just the kiddies. I pulled my restraint down and released it in a comfortable spot. Ah, very, very comfortable. The operators quickly checked the rest of our train, and we got ready to ride. We finally heard the "dispatch", and moved slowly out of the station. We were first greeted by a small, 5 foot dip before entering a sharp left-hand turn. We made our way through the ride's car shed before finally encountering the lift hill. the lift hill isn't very large on the ride, but there are things to look at, the most notable SR's twisted finale just on top of us. As we made our way to the top, we spotted a train full of screaming riders passing by. What a great ride SR was. Anyway, the top of the lift hill comes all too fast on this ride. While your glaring up at SR or the looking around the surrounding area, your at the top of the lift hill and finally starting your ride. The ride starts off with a small slanted straightaway, which eventually ends up being the ride's first element, a nice helix. The turn into the first helix is nice and strong. It really whips you to the side before making your way downward in a very fun helix. What I love about this part of the ride is that you just keep on getting lower and lower, until you find yourself in a trench! While in this trench, if you have your hands up, you can almost touch the ground! I expect that a person with long arms can easily touch the ground, considering you are just that close to it. The helix is in its strongest part here, and I'll just say it was pretty strong here for a kiddie/family coaster. Anyway, we finally parted out of the first helix, and into a short straightaway right by a fence. This fence happens to be the same fence that separates SR's queue and the Trailblazer itself! Anyway, after a nice tame left hand turn, you fly right up into a not-needed MCBR. I still don't quite understand why they have a MCBR on this ride, but whatever. It is actually quite long, and slows down most of your speed unfortunately. However, the ride goes on, with a nice curving drop to the left, which follows that very steel path we went down to get to the ride. After a nice relaxing drop, we come back up a few more feet and into a small straightaway. Then, after that, the ride enters its strongest point, a sweet double helix. We quickly turned to the right and entered the ride's strongest point. Around and around we went, circling the trees inside the ride's double loop. The first helix is a little slow, but then you continue to pick up more and more speed, leading into, as I said before, strong second helix for a kiddie/family coaster. Finally we gained the most speed we would ever get during the the ride, and unfortunately, it was time to move out of the very fun double helix. We climbed another ascent and went into what seems to be an old mine shaft with again, some good speed. Unfortunately, once entering the building we saw that our ride was unfortunately over. We hit the brakes, and shortly came to a complete stop. The ride ends so quickly! Before you know it, it's over. Overall, Trailblazer is a very fun coaster, and excellent for the kids. Also, it offers a nice break from all the bigger rides in the park, and even a nice breeze :B

Finally we arrived back in the station after our very fun excursion on the Trailblazer. We waited for the train to come to a halt and then released our restraints. Then we followed the exit stairs and path back into the midway. Ah, the Trailblazer is such a fun ride and very relaxing. After the great small coaster, it was time to go up yet another huge hill and into the Minetown section of the park, where we would find the Kissing Tower, Antique Cars, and the most unique B&M invert, Great Bear. All of these rides would be our next hits as we nicely strolled through the great park!

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