Thursday, July 27, 2006

After the Cars and the Kissing Tower, it was time to ride the park's B&M inverted coaster, Great Bear. I forgot to mention before that the ride had broken down earlier in the day, and I watched it do some test runs while on the Kissing Tower. By the time we were off both the Kissing Tower and Cars, the ride was open and ready to go. So, we made our way over to Great Bear's entrance to find an empty switchback, as viewable from the path in-between Wok and Roll and GB's entrance. Anyway, before we rode GB, we stopped at a near-by Coca-Cola cart for a few bottles of Dasani. Ah, water. It felt so refreshing when it was just blistering hot outside. I quickly took a few sips and then made my way over to the Great Bear entrance. Before I start with Bear though, I have to tell you about a very strange occurrence. While sitting on a park bench taking a few sips of water, I viewed Great Bear's entrance. I was just sitting there, relaxing, waiting for everyone to finish so we could ride. And then, out of no where, I'd say a mob of about 100 people come along and go straight the GB's entrance. I just watched with a puzzled look on my face. How were this many people coming at this certain point in time!? People just kept swarming in for a good couple of minutes. After watching this extremely odd occurrence, which really reminded me of running of the bulls, I quickly made my way over to the entrance before another mob came and the line got even longer! Fortunately, before the mob arrived, there wasn't really anyone on line waiting for the ride. However, after the mob showed up, the line stopped at the vending machines by the small "shower" in the queue line. As I stopped in the line by the vending machines, I was still in awe at this extremely strange occurrence. Oh well, good thing the operators on this ride were absolutely excellent. I said the line was out to the "shower" correct? Well, because of the awesome operators, I was IN the station in only 10 minutes. I was amazed at how well the operations were on this ride, especially with only 2 trains. Our wait really went by in no time. We just kept moving and moving and moving...we would really only stop for a few moments at a time. Finally, we arrived in the very nice looking station. The interior of the station itself is very nice, and I love the blue windows at the top. Anyway, we decided to look for the shortest row to ride, and it ended up being row number 2, surprisingly. Well, row numbers 2 and 3 had about the same wait, so we opted for row 2. The wait itself was only about a 2 train wait. Since again, the operators were doing an AWESOME job, I knew we would be on in no time.

From when we boarded the separate queue for our row to the time we boarded our train, it was a whopping 5 minutes. The operators were cranking out trains in no time, luckily for us. So, we were on the ride in no time. Our air-gate finally opened, and I made my way all the way down to right-hand seat. I always try to get the end seat on all B&M's. I love how you have much more space and a much better view than sitting in the middle. Anyway, I pulled down my restraint and made sure it was nice and comfortable, then secured the seat belt. I was ready to go as the operators quickly made their way around and checked all the restraints. Wow, they were fast. They were in and out of there before you knew it. After they quickly checked the train, it was now time to ride the Bear. we proceeded towards the lift as we made our way our of the station. We soon got hit with sunlight, which is almost completed blocked in Bear's station. We continued to pull up the lift, and as we got higher, we received more of an amazing view of the area. You notice the surrounding Coal Cracker flume, the classic Sooperdooperlooper coaster, and basically all of the Comet Hollow section of the park. However, this excellent view is soon over, as before you know it, you're at the top of the lift and getting ready for the ride to really begin. The first element on the ride is a very nice starting helix. I love the placement of this element. It really gives the ride a nice, strong start and can really grab you by surprise. Down and around we went, through the ride's first element. I found some decent forces towards the mid-point of the helix, which felt great as we continued our way towards the first major drop. We now went into a curved straightaway, moving along towards the first drop. Closer and closer we traveled, until we finally got pulled to the right and down the first very nice first drop. I felt a nice breeze as we made our way down towards the small little river in the park's Comet Hollow section of the park. Even though most of the ride itself is in the Comet Hollow part of the park, the entrance is in Minetown. It would be a better fit in Comet Hollow, but since most of the ride goes through that section, it doesn't much matter. Anyway, we traveled down to the ground below in a very nice, relaxing drop. GB's drop is very nice and enjoyable, and you gain some nice speed that carries you through the rest of the course. After a nice first drop, we sped into the first inversion the ride had to offer us, a nice vertical loop. Even though the element is forceless, you have to love the feeling the vertical loop gives you. No inverted coaster would be complete without a sweet vertical loop. We quickly went up, around, and back down again. As I said before, the element is very nice and relaxing, but shows no force. We continued to travel adjacent to Comet Hollow's stream until we came to the next inversion on our journey, a pretty strong Immelman. Since the ride had been pretty forceless so far, this element was a nice surprise. We came right up into the sky just like a regular vertical loop, but then flipped over and came falling back to earth. As we reached the element's apex, the forces were moderately strong, which was a nice surprise. What I love about the Immelman is how it really whips you back to earth. You go straight up, thinking your going to come right back down again like a regular loop, but no! The Immelman flips you over and sends you flying in a whole new direction. After a very nice Immelman inversion, you encounter one of my favorite inversions of all time and one of my favorite parts of this ride, the Zero-G roll. Before I continue, let just say that I love the feeling this inversion creates. I simply love the execution of this inversion, and it's definitely one of my personal favorites. After the Immelman, that ride throws us down and back up again into the 3rd inversion, the Zero-G roll, right over the Comet Hollow midway. We soon encountered the inversion, which really whips you 360 degrees around just like that. Before you know it you're in and out of the element. Since you have some very nice speed before entering the element, you quickly complete it in no time. Once again, the feeling the element creates is just awesome. I can't even begin to describe this feeling. All I'll say is that is unique and awesome. Anyway, after the Zero-G, we continued on our journey on Great Bear. We soon encountered a sharp left-hand turn, and we swooped over the river below. Now we would continue our journey on the other side of the river, with the water RIGHT below us. After the nice, sharp turn, we went into a straightaway along the river before going on to the ride's final inversion, a flat spin/corkscrew. After the straightaway, and upon entering the corkscrew, the ride quickly throws you to the left in a sharp turn. Then, out of no where, you speed into the final inversion. I love how they throw you to one side and then the other, which creates a really cool effect IMO. This corkscrew is like any other corkscrew. It quickly whips you around the bend, and sends you flying into the ride's last element, a slow S-Bend. The ride finishes off slow unfortunately, as you complete an S-Bend up above in the skies of Minetown. By the end of the S-bend you crawl into the station, and encounter the ride's on-ride photo. I still don't understand why Hershey decided to place the on-ride photo right here, but the only thing coming into my mind is to see the people's expressions as they slam into the brakes. And yes, after the S-Bend, the ride is complete. We slammed into the brakes and make our way around a sharp right-hand turn and back towards the station. As we waited in the brake run waiting to get off, I thought about the ride I had just ridden. Overall, Great Bear, to me, is a solid invert, and perfect for this park. The ride isn't about being tall and high or giving extreme G-forces. It's about giving an enjoyable and fun ride in a great location, and it does that well. I really like the ride and love the experience it gives. With that said, I'll give this ride a rating of 8.5/10. (Yes, I will be doing ratings for now on!)

We finally returned to the station after our long journey above Hersheypark. The train soon came to a halt and the floor came up. Our harnesses unlocked and we got out of the train. We continued down the exit ramp right by the Coal Cracker, the park's great log flume, which we unfortunately didn't ride during this trip. Anyway, we proceeded to the photo booth, and I just went straight through. I had no intention of buying a photo, plus I didn't have my glasses on me. Anyway, we went back up towards the Boardwalk Fries stall and met back up with the others. They had bought some Boardwalk Fries, which are so freaking good! All of us had some as a snack as it was around noon now. I also went to near-by Nathan's to pick up an RXCC souvenir cup which was only 6 bucks, with 99 cent refills of course! (What a bargain!) You have to love those on a hot day like that one! Anyway, after we finished up a quick snack (we would be going to the BBQ place by Trailblazer for sandwiches later...they are so good!), we headed back out to the midway. What would be our next destination? It would be the only part of the park with two woodies and current construction going on...Midway America!

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