Saturday, December 16, 2006

Chapter 11:Paging Mr. Morrow, Mr. Tom Morrow...

After a great spin on Buzz Lightyear, we checked the time and realized we had a while to go before it was for Fast Pass on Space Mountain. Since we had the time to kill, we decided to check out the Tomorrowland Transit Authority, the highway in the sky of Tomorrowland. What I love about the ride is that it offers an awesome view of the area, and it literally never has a wait. Also, this is a great ride when your trying to burn some time in a relaxing fashion, as the ride is about 10 minutes long. Anyway, we made our way to the heart of Tomorrowland, where the escalators that send you to the TTA station are located. Also in thew central hub is the Astro Orbiter, which I have actually never been on. We rode the always fun escalators up to the station, which contains a very small amount of queue. The ride never has any wait because of the mass amount of cars that support it. You'll have your peak times when the ride can be busy, but that doesn't mean there's going to be a wait. The continuous motion of the cars keeps you always moving to board your car. We did this, going through the small queue and finally boarding our dark blue car. When in the station, you think the cars are all stuck together, but once you heard out on your journey, the "trains" separate. Anyway, we sat down, and got comfortable for the relaxing and fun journey ahead on the TTA.

As we pulled out of the station, we stayed at the same sluggish pace as the carts move in the station. However, once we reach the first turn, we sped up at a pace that is faster than you'd ever expect for a ride like this. It moves much faster than you think it would, so the breeze in your face can be a great relaxing experience. I put my legs up on the other bench a began to relax. The ride starts off by circling the highest point in Tomorrowland besides Space Mountain, the Astro Orbiter. This gives you an except view of the surrounding areas, as well as great photo opportunities. After circling around the plaza, we entered the area above the building home to Stitch's Great Escape. This is an attraction I didn't experience during this trip, but after hearing some reviews of it, I'm quite happy I didn't waste my time. If anyone's been on this, feel free to comment about it, I'd like to hear your opinions. Anyway, after the ride glides above the show building, and finally, inside it. Once inside we're surrounded by darkness, until a model of the city of tomorrow is seen through a window. This thing is truly awesome. It's a real life model of what the cities in the future may look like. Definitely keep an eye out for this, luckily the train slows down a bit when inside the building. The detail of the model is excellent, and it's very interesting to see what they thought the city of the future would look like (whenever this was constructed). Anyway, after the model, we continue on through the dark until we pass through Mickey's Star Traders, one of the biggest shops in Tomorrowland. After that we're back outside in the fresh air, hot sun and cool breeze. Now we're back up to pace as well, and we're getting a great view of the Tomorrowland Indy Speedway, another Tomorrowland attraction I've never been on, as I mentioned before. This is another great opportunity for some photos of Tomorrowland, so get those cameras ready. Coming up next is a highlight of the trip, entering inside Space Mountain.

As we begin to enter the mountain, we again slow down and prepare for an awesome experience, to see inside Space Mountain. First, we're surrounded by darkness, and not able to see anything. So, we see the queue of Space Mountain, where riders were waiting to experience one of Tomorrowland's biggest attractions. After a look at the queue, we get a peek at the mountain itself. We see the "rockets" zipping riders out and about the tight turns and curves of Space Mountain one of my favorite Disney attractions of all time. Seeing this just got me more pumped to ride quite possible my favorite attraction in the Magic Kingdom. This was just a taste of what to come. We exited to the sounds of screaming riders, having a great time riding through the mountain, As we exited, we were blasted again with sunlight and began to speed up. The next part of the ride sends us back the way we came, but we then make a turn and head out past the bathroom buildings near Space Mountain. Once again, get those cameras ready, this is the best time to snap some pics of the Mountain, and the rest of Tomorrowland. The next attraction we come upon is the Carousel of Progress. As we approach the show building, we hearing the classic recording that's been playing for years..."Paging Mr. Morrow, Mr. Tom Morrow". I still don't know who they mean by Tom Morrow, but the way they spit up the name of "tomorrow" is great. Anyway, we pass above the Carousel of Progress building, but we don't enter this one. After riding through this, we come to final stretch of our ride, including entering inside the Buzz Lightyear building.

Once again, we enter the darkness, and our train slows down quite a bit. Shortly after entering, we get an excellent view of Buzz Lightyear's second room. A recording encourages as to become Junior Space Rangers in Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin. Due to the TTA, I saw realized the UFO in the way back of the show building. I don't think I hit the targets spinning around on the UFO any of the 4 times I rode, however. That spot is extremely hard to hit, especially with them constantly moving. Anyway, after a view of Buzz, we came back out to on top of where the Timekeeper used to be. The Timekeeper is going to be replaced by a new attraction in early 2007, the Monsters Inc. Comedy Club. The attraction will be using similar technology as to Turtle Talk with Crush. The attraction to me to going to come down to how well the show is executed, especially the jokes. Test runs have been performed, and the what I've been getting from them is that the show needs work. We'll see how well it goes when it opens next year. Oh, and while I'm on this topic, there didn't seem to be any visibly progress going on, just "Imagineers at Work" signs. Anyway, back to the TTA where we're completing our great relaxing ride. After one more trip around the central hub, we finding ourselves coming to a slowing pace as we re-enter the station. Finally, after our 10-minute ride, the doors fly open and we exited to a moving platform.

KKR05's Expert Advice-Not much to say about this one besides is an awesome way to "kill" time. However, you're now "killing" time, you're enjoying a great, enjoyable experience. This is also great when you're waiting for a Fast Pass to be ready. Also, everyone in the whole family can enjoy this one, from young to old. I highly suggest this one, so definitely check it out on your next trip to WDW.

After riding down the exit escalator, we still had some time to kill before our Space Mountain ride. So...what to? Use your imagination.

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