Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Chapter 7:Ticket to Terror...NOT!

After a great ride on BTMR, we gave up on Splash Mountain which was still packed and made our way over to the 3rd area of the park. We continued our counter-clockwise expedition around the Magic Kingdom, and soon found ourselves in the small area between two of the Magic Kingdom's biggest "lands". We encountered the entrance to Liberty Square, the section that is sometimes forgotten among the general public. Although the section is quite small, it holds within one of the most popular Magic Kingdom attractions, the Haunted Mansion. Why a ghoulish mansion is in a liberty themed section is beyond me, but I guess there is always something new to learn about WDW. Anyway, Liberty Square to me is a very nice small section. It isn't very congested, which you think it would because of its size. Also, the theming in the area is very, very nice. It's just like a small colonial town, where patriotism is at its best. The theme is carried throughout the square with numerous American Flags, Historical Figures, and many other items in patriotic flare. The section is home to some attractions besides the Haunted Mansion, and these do fit in with the theme set. The Liberty Square Riverboat takes you on a voyage in the Rivers of America (lake surrounding Tom Sawyer Island). Unfortunately it was down for rehab when I was there, but the ride itself is very relaxing, it did it three years ago on our last visit. Definitely check it out if you have the time, it can provide some nice photo opportunities as well. Along with the Riverboat, Liberty Square is home to the Hall of Presidents. Although I haven't experienced this attraction, I know is it a show where you can find all of our Presidents brought to life through the art of Audio-Animatronics. I haven't heard much about the show, but it seems interesting. However, its time to move on for what we were there for, the main attraction, the Haunted Mansion.

When we checked the wait times board earlier, the wait for the Mansion was 20 minutes. Sure enough, when we arrived at the attraction, the wait was still 20 minutes, but that was a bit of an exaggeration. The Mansion in all its creepiness was before us, and we agreed to enter by boarding the queue line. As we joined the queue, I noticed the Fast Pass machines off to the right. Why does this ride of Fast Pass?? It seriously doesn't need it at all, the capacity here is unmatched. They weren't even being used when we were there. Maybe they'll relocate them to the Laugh Floor once that opens, or will that need it at all? Who knows. Anyway, the queue was extremely short. We stopped a little bit after entered the covered green shade. The Haunted Mansion queue is home to a graveyard, which holds the tombstones of many dead people. Unfortunately the grass was a bit long to read some of them, but they always provide a good laugh. Most of them have little funny riddles or poems, and they can keep you quite entertained while waiting to get inside the mansion. I know the long grass is supposed to make it feel deserted, but make it short enough so we can read the tombstones! Anyway, the waiting here was minimal. We waited less than 10 minutes to get inside and to our "chamber". As we entered the building, this guy with lazy eyes stared at you...pretty freaky, but it's perfect for the attraction. We all made our way into the octagon shaped chamber with portraits high on the ceilings. The room was dark and scary looking...perfect for this attraction. Once the max number of people got in the room, the doors closed shut behind us. No turning back now. Soon our Ghost Host came over the intercom and introduced nice. The room then started to drop...or was the ceiling rising. It seemed pretty obvious that it was the latter. Up they went, once revealing happy pictures of people when we walked in, going on to reveal horrific scenes. Soon, we were bound to end up like them as we made our way into a "doom buggy". The pre-show to the Haunted Mansion is pretty cool, and it definitely surprises all the first timers. Right when the ceilings finally stop rising, the horrific pictures were revealed entirely, but I'm not going to ruin the surprise. Right then and there our Ghost Host spurns us and lets out one great big laugh. We were soon to become his victims on our ride through the Haunted Mansion. Doors on the opposite side of the chamber in which we came in flew open, and everyone scattered into the haunted house.

The mansion was dark and dreary. Dim light bulbs barely lit the dark hallways, and everything is full of cobwebs. All of us formed a line and waited to board our doom buggy, and then our fate would be sealed. The interior of the mansion hallway is extremely detailed and well-done. Just being in there, waiting to ride is freaky. There were quite a few people in our corridor, so it took a while for us to get on, not to mention a short "breakdown". The doom buggies basically stopped going for a while, which caused a delay for us. However, after that, it was all smooth sailing. My brother and I soon boarded a doom buggy, which I'll talk about for a minute. These things are insane. There are NO GAPS between the buggies on this ride. They are in continuous circuit all the time, so if you need to stop one, you stop them all. I find it amazing how these carts can be in continuous motion for such a long time. Anyway, we boarded our buggy, and we were off into the Haunted Mansion, where chills and thrills awaited us.

Inside the Mansion await many thrills and chills. Here's some of the highlights.

The Ballroom Scene-A true classic. You glide in your doom buggies on the balcony of the ballroom, and see many ghosts and ghouls dancing about below you. Through the magic of projected images, the ghosts dance all across the ballroom in circles. Truly a delight to see and always a favorite.
The Graveyard-One of my favorites. It's a big part of the ride, and features the classic song..."Grim Grinning Ghosts come out to socialize". This section is definitely the spookiest, and features many "alive" props, such as moving tombstones and singing statues. There is something to scare you around every turn, so be on the look out. This scene, to me, is the most enjoyable of the entire ride.
Madam Loeta Scene-Crazy woman in a magic ball. She tries to scare and taunt you with her head secluded in a crystal ball. When I was little I always wondered how they got her head in the crystal ball, but now, it just seems obvious. This scene is another classic, and very enjoyable.

All right, so we are going through the mansion and we are coming up to the grand finale, where we will be cursed by the mansion forever. Before us is one big and long mirror, and our doom buggy turns to face it. We look, and a cursed ghoul as suddenly appeared in our cart! A laugh always comes out of we when the ghoul appears. Anyway, after we turn away from the mirrors, the ride is just about over. Our ghost host then dismisses us in a likely fashion, telling us that we've been cursed forever. Then he lets out one big laugh...Bwhahaha. With that, we are left to leave the mansion, for we will be cursed forever after leaving the mansion.

KKR05's Expert Advice-The Mansion is a classic. You think it's going to be one big and scary mansion...but it's just overall a fun ride, and there's nothing scary about it. Even those who are easily spooked can take a trip through the Haunted Mansion. The ride is extremely built up to be scary, but it's all just make believe. When Walt first thought of the idea of the Haunted Mansion, I don't think he meant for it to be scary. I think he meant for it to offer a fun, non-scary ride which was some elements that can put a chill up your spine. Regardless, the Mansion is a great ride, and can be enjoyed all people, expect I suggest no babies on this one, of course. Like I said before, the ride is even laughable at times, like in the final scene. It always squeezes a laugh out of me how your "ghost host" takes things so seriously. Anyway, the Mansion is good old classic fun, and must hit in the Magic Kingdom.

We exited the Mansion and found ourselves back out in Liberty Square. Just beyond us was Fantasyland, the heart of the Magic Kingdom. Fantasyland is where our next attraction has its home. And this attraction my friends is not for the easily annoyed.

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